Sourcing Service

We are here to help anyone source any kind of product which is available in the Chinese market. You may import single product as an individual or import in bulk as a small business owner. But keep in mind that importing single product might cost you a little bit more than importing the same product in bulk. We will give you a quotation based on your requirement.

While submiting your products to source make sure to share as many details as possible such as item pictures, material choices, sizes and amount you are expecting to purchase. The more we know, the more we are able to source the best suppliers for your requested product.

Our Benefits

1、Free warehouse

2、On site inspection before exporting

3、Packing service

4、Checklist for the products received and not received in the warehouse

5、Prepare exportation documents

6、Prepare exportation documents

More About Warehousing Services

We provide a free month of safe warehouse to store your products before shipping. You can take time to send more products to us, and we help you collect all products, pack and group them into one shipment for exportation to your country. We will charge an additional of $30/CBM/month warehousing fee from the 2nd month.

We handle all the exportation process to get your goods out of China.


Air Freight

Warehouse Service

Sourcing Service

Sea Freight

Trucking and Delivery

Customs clearance


No 2009, Building E, No. 112, Science Avenue, Huangpu District, Guangzhou,China.

Morcellement Sagitaire, Mont-Choisy, Mauritius

+86 15322088040